Branching Strategies in VCS

Proper branching scheme is the first step towards code quality. Today, we adopted Ci/CD friendly branching scheme. Nisarg Raval has effectively explained the benefits of the branching scheme and team has adopted it to make uniform branching scheme across all the products and projects to make processes more uniform and effective. Weekly Talk

Sports Week

New year at Niyantras started in a style as a Sports week. It has been kicked off with lots of enthusiasm and excitement. Every #niyantrian was excited to participate in their favorite game. It is going to be great week ahead! Our Sports week progressed to the next level. All #niyantrian has geared up and…

Udaipur Tour

Annual picnic is the family event of Niyantras which is the most popular event. Every #niyantrian has been eagerly waiting for this event. It was a fun-filled and full “masti” trip. Some memories from the tour… It was an amazing feeling when you stand on the top of the world’s second longest wall… It was…


Today was a cricketing morning at Niyantras . All #niyantrians gathered in the cold winter morning to warm up their body and have fun with cricket. Cricket is all about team effort and #niyantrians have proved that Team Niyantras is the most amazing team. We observed today a great team effort, cheerful leaders, and cheerful…