ChatBot ChatGpt By OpenAi

Why, when and where to use ChatGPT was explained effectively by Prabal Kene . He explained how AI Chatbot can be created using Natural Language Processing which can easily interact with humans with a very human resembling conversation. Niyantras now may use the power of its Language Model to create Social Media Articles. It was…

Document Scanning Process in Python

Applicant Tracking System is an essential part of the modern hiring process. Niyantras is a developing state of the art ATS. Accuracy and reliability of ATS depends on how accurate and effectively it parses and rates the incoming resumes. Hard has presented the AI powered resume parsing module to every #niyantrian to give a headstart…

Importance of Docker

Docker is the new way of server deployment. It is not only a next generation server environment but a new way of local development. Sushil Mansukhani has effectively showed the importance of Docker in daily development and server deployment. He listened out few handy commands to play with, so everyone can have their own Docker running…

Commit Message Standards 

Commit messages are like breadcrumbs that lead you back through the history of your code. Write them with care and precision so that you and others can easily understand the changes that were made and why they were made. A clear and informative commit message can save time and prevent headaches down the road. Weekly…

Branching Strategies in VCS

Proper branching scheme is the first step towards code quality. Today, we adopted Ci/CD friendly branching scheme. Nisarg Raval has effectively explained the benefits of the branching scheme and team has adopted it to make uniform branching scheme across all the products and projects to make processes more uniform and effective. Weekly Talk

Stadia Wireless

Back #niyantrians are always eager to learn new technologies and new perspectives of software development. Today, we learnt a very fresh new perspective in the gaming domain. It was an out-of-the-box thought to convert the Google Wired Stadia controller into a wireless controller only through software.